Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Living in Florida

Since living in Florida the weather is really unpredictable. The humidity is so thick, you can cut it with a knife. Since April it has rained almost everyday, making it just out right swampy here. The lightening and thunderstorms are totally amazing here. We had to get battery back ups to protect the electronics, it gets that bad here. It rained so much, really kept down the love bug season. Do you know what love bugs are? If not, please look it up. There are attached at the behind, and I believe they only live a 24 hour period. How they came about, there is quite a discrepancy some say the bugs are man made. Not sure, do not care.

The first year I was here, I thought it was cute. After two weeks, decided it was not cute anymore. Have been here through five seasons of these bugs. They come in May-June and the end of September. These bugs eat the paint off the front of your car. The first season was horrific, the fronts of homes were covered in black bugs. Not attractive, or fun. That was the worst season, since I have been here. That is because of the weather. The more it rains, the less the love bugs are around.

Today, I went to a networking event. Not sure about anyone else, when I go to networking events I wear professional clothes. I am meeting new people, giving a first impression of myself and my business. Down here it is a very casual dress setting. People wear shorts, barely have their hair done let alone any makeup. Every place, has its little idiosyncrasies. However you are out there promoting your business. Not really sure about what to think here. The kicker, someone picked their nose as if nobody could see them. Hello.... are you kidding me?

When the meeting was over, I outside speaking with some very nice people and Good God is it hot. I am sweating in under two minutes. This is my third summer here. Will I ever get accustomed to this heat? When living in NY I loved the heat ,here I hide in the air conditioning for about five months. I used to love being outside in NY, I thought it would be even better in Florida. Guess again, between the heat and numerous creepy crawlies. Forgot it. Ever get bitten by fire/red ants? Well that just burns. I loved to be barefoot, here absolutely not. Nope Nope Nope.

Enough for today. Again just my perspective of my morning today.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Sounds like Texas! But believe me, I'm a northern girl and after a while..you do get used to it!
